CUE 2018 – 2023

CUE 2018 – 2023

Consistent unchanged pointing system and the same methods used for the evaluation of dog show data during the years are needed for the comparison of data within the given time period. Having known the way of data evaluation by mathematical-statistical methods led us to create a fair pointing system usable for all European countries, in spite of the different titles given at the dog shows within Europe. Except for this, we wanted to create a system, which will enable us to compare data for several years. We have been using the same pointing system since 2018 for “Best Cimarron Uruguayo In Europe” competition. Within CUE 2018-2023 we decided now to compare the basic show data of European Cimarron Uruguayo (CU) since 2018 till 2023 (both years included). More detailed evaluation will be prepared in a separate study.

Who competed

All dogs in the ownership of Europeans could compete in the “Best Cimarron Uruguayo In Europe” competition. Only data sent in to CUE Facebook page, via email or directly to any admin of the page till given date were evaluated during years. Results of each year were evaluated separately and you can find them in the section RANKING, choosing the given year.

Categories for CUE 2018-2023

For the comparison we used the data in the following categories:

  • Minor Puppy
  • Puppy
  • Junior
  • Veteran
  • Competing for BOB
  • All CU
  • Kennel
  • Progeny

Absolute numbers of CUE 2018-2023

In this part we compared the absolute number of Cimarron Uruguayo dogs by categories mentioned above and the number of kennels, whose dogs competed . The best parents, whose offspring participated in dog shows were counted within progeny category. Data are evaluated in the following graph.

As you can see from the graph above, there were 2 minor puppies competing in 2018, one in 2019 and 3 in 2023. There were 3 puppies in 2019, 1 in 2020, 2 in 2021 and 2022 and 4 in 2023. 6 juniors participated in dog shows in 2018, 4 in 2020, 3 in 2021 and 2022 and 6 in 2023. We had only 1 veteran at a dog show in 2021. In the category “Competing for BOB” there were counted all CU who were each year evaluated in our main list. In the majority of countries only adults, juniors and veterans can compete for BOB (best of breed) title, but in some countries also minor puppies and puppies are allowed to gain this title. There were 18 Cimarrons in this category in 2018, 14 in 2019, 10 in 2020 and 2021, 11 in 2022 and 12 dogs in 2023.

All Cimarrons in all classes were mentioned in the graph, too. There were 20 Cimarrons in 2018, 16 in 2019, 10 in 2020 and 2021, 13 in 2022 and 15 in 2023. The decreasing number of Cimarrons between 2019 and 2021 could be partially caused by less exhibitors during COVID-19 and also by the loss of some Cimarrons and termination of breeding of several breeders due to health issues of their dogs. New breeders with their first litters appeared at dog shows since 2022, and especially in 2023, when the number of CU at dog shows, as well as the number of breeders, started to grow again.

Winner CU by category

In this section we would like to point out the number of dog shows the winner CU of given categories participated in and the total number of points they received. Data are evaluated in the following graph.

Minor puppy CUE 2018-2023

The winner minor puppy CU in 2018 was at 1 show and got 11 points (see the table below). In 2019 the situation was similar, the minor puppy category winner was at 1 dog show and got 11 points. Next time minor puppy CU competed in 2023 and got 44 points from 5 dog show results.

Puppy CUE 2018-2023

The winner puppy CU participated in 1 show and got 11 points in 2019. In 2020 (41 points) and 2023 (15 points) the winner puppy CU was at 3 dog shows and in 2021 (31 points) and 2022 (25 points) at 5 shows.

Junior CUE 2018-2023

The winner junior CU was at 7 dog shows in 2018 and gained 151 points, at 6 shows (100 points) in 2020, at 11 shows (133 points) in 2021, at 8 dog shows (127 points) in 2022 and at 7 shows (158 points) in 2023.

Veteran CUE 2018-2023

The only winner veteran CU participated in 1 dog show in 2021 and received 13 points.

Competing for BOB CUE 2018-2023

The winner of the category “Competing for BOB” needed to participate in 12 and 16 shows in 2018 (287 points), 2019 (323 points) and 2021 (240 points). In 2018 there were 2 winners with the same amount of points but different number of shows, which they were at. The higher number of shows is shown in the graph above. Only 7 (140 points) shows were necessary to become the winner in 2020. The extreme rivalry caused that the winner had to have 30 show results with the total number of 430 points in 2022 to become the winner. The situation was similar also in 2023 when 463 points brought the winner title after participating in 22 dog shows.


There were 4 kennels in 2018, whose dogs competed. In 2019 their number was expanded by one to 5. There were only 2 kennels in 2020, 2021 and 2022, while only one kennel was the same during this 6-years-long time period. In 2023, the number of European kennels doubled to four compered to two kennels, which were competing in 2022. As mentioned already at the evaluation of dogs, the decreasing number of kennels in 2020, 2021 and 2022 could be partially caused by less exhibitors during COVID-19 and also by the loss of some Cimarrons and termination of breeding of several breeders due to health issues of their dogs. New breeders with their first litters appeared at dog shows since 2022, and especially in 2023, when the number of breeders started to grow to the same number as in 2018.

Number of CU at shows from the winner kennel

Further we concentrate on the data of the winner of this category, which was the same kennel within the investigated time period. They had 7 dogs in 2018, 10 dogs in 2019, 9 in 2020, 8 in 2021 and 2023 and the highest number – 11 in 2022. The number of dogs varied as not the same dogs competed each year. This kennel had totally 19 Cimarrons at dog shows between 2018 and 2023 in spite of the fact they strictly limit the number of dogs that can attend dog shows.

Total points and number of shows of the winner kennel

The total points, which the winner kennel gained between 2018 and 2023 corresponds with the number of dog shows their dogs participated in. In fact, in 2018 and 2023 they were at the same number of dog shows – 54. First it was with 7, later with 8 dogs, so this kennel keeps continually the same level of results. In 2019, the number of shows they visited increased in spite of the COVID-19, but in the following year there was a more significant fall due to pandemical limitations. In 2021 and 2022 their dogs participated in more dog shows. The year-on-year decrease in 2023 is connected with less dogs at shows compared with the previous year and more strict limitations of the kennel concerning which dog from the new-born litters can participate in the dog shows. The total number of points of the winner kennel can be seen below.


We may not forget the parents, who produced offspring participating in the dog shows. The parents owned by European breeders, whose offspring competed were only counted.

There were 11 Cimarrons in 2018 whose offspring competed. In 2019 their number grew to 13. There were only 7 dogs in this category in 2020 and 2021, but their number almost doubled (to 13) in 2022 and doubled (14) in 2023.

The winner of the category “Progeny” had offspring at 54 dog shows in 2018 (1098 points), 73 in 2019 (1208 points), 27 in 2020 (537 points), 46 in 2021 (522 points), 66 in 2022 (1056 points) and 34 in 2023 (686 points). The total points of the winner of the “progeny” category between 2018 and 2023 can be seen in the following graph.

This is the basic evaluation of data set, the more scientific evaluation will be available in a new study. If you would like to read it, feel free to contact the author.

Author: Gabriella Hurtos, Cerberus Illusion kennel, 10th October 2024

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